Thursday, January 7, 2016

Eegee's Debuts Mac & Cheese . . . Whut?!

Eegee’s just announced that they are now serving Kraft Macaroni and Cheese on their menus! 

...Um ok? 

I think the general consensus from the comments left on eegee’s Facebook page is why?

It is unclear whether this is just on the kid’s menu, which would make more sense. Also, why is it Kraft? Is Eegee’s unable to be original anymore, have they gone corporate? Didn’t Kraft have a few recalls last year on their mac & cheese as well? I have so many questions, and this announcement just left us confused and kind of bored. 

Who really cares about Kraft mac & cheese. It’s less than a dollar at the store for a box, so do you really want to pay for a small bowl at the store? We’re not sure of the price yet, but will post pricing when we go to the store. We envision that whoever came up with this idea thought it was the most amazing idea ever...and then it came out and no one really cares. If they wanted to make excitement over mac & cheese why didn’t they create their own recipe??? It’s not that hard to make, it’s noodles and cheese.

Why is the Eegee’s menu changing so much lately? Have sales been that bad that they have to constantly come up with gimmicks to attract customers? We straight up love our Eegee’s but does it have to constantly be changing? See our previous post about how much the brand has changed over the years here. While the branding has been inconsistent over the years (are we now supposed to be writing eegee’s, Eegee’s, Eegee, eegee, or eg’s, whoever handles their social media can’t even get it right), their food has always pretty much stayed the same. People love the drink and food items offered, so why mess with it? If it’s not broke don’t fix it, right? Unless it is broken and eegees is in some sort of financial trouble, please don’t let that be true!

While it seems the new flavor Watermelon Pineapple seems to be a hit, they maybe should have left it at that for their big reveal this month. There are several other places that serve worthwhile mac & cheese in Tucson, here are a few of my personal favorites as I am a mac & cheese connoisseur along with my eegee’s obsession. 
  1. The Hub: The Hub serves amazingly creamy mac & cheese. You can also add additional toppings like BACON or chicken. It comes with a baked on crusty top that’s to die for!
  2. Trident Grill: You wouldn’t think a college bar would have such amazing mac & cheese but they do! I go back and forth between whether The Hub is better than Trident or not, but either way, I would eat either mac & cheese any day. It’s creamy and sooo cheesy.
  3. The Fix: Duh the entire place is devoted to mac & cheese
  4. Union: They put bacon in the mac & cheese so obviously it’s good!
  5. Maynards Market & Kitchen: They’ve got a decent mac that I’m happy to order whenever I’m there.
This is just a short list of mac & cheeses I’d rather eat than even trying eegee’s. Not that I hate Kraft mac & cheese, I have three boxes in my pantry right now, but why would I go to a food joint to eat Kraft? I really hope this was for the kids because I’m totally not getting this effort. I also hope that this isn’t a sign of eegee's going corporate. This isn’t like adding Frank’s Red Hot Sauce to your ranch, aka Buffalo Ranch, because that idea was pure genius. This just seems to be a lazy way to add another item to their menu. They used to have such an individualistic personality and lately they’ve been a little boring with their presentation. Don’t lose your quirky fun edge eegee’s, that’s what we loved about you!

As many fans have commented, if you don’t want the item then don’t get it. Well hey, if no one gets it then what was the point of putting it on the menu in the first place?

If you disagree with us and love the eegee’s mac & cheese, let us know! Feel free to comment below or send us your pics at our email address and we’ll post on our social media. 

We will only judge you slightly for ordering Kraft mac & cheese...

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